Event: ready

The ready event is emitted whenever the connection emits a valid identity and Meshblu accepts the credentials.

  • response Response of a successful authentication.
    • uuid UUID of the device the connection is authenticated as.
    • token Plain-text token of the device the connection is authenticated as. The token is passed through by the API so that it can be returned here, it is never stored as plain text by Meshblu.
    • (deprecated) api A legacy identifier kept for backwards compatibility. Should not be used in any new projects.
    • (deprecated) status A legacy status code kept for backwards compatibility. Should not be used in any new projects.


Multiple "ready" events

The "ready" event is emitted every time the connection is re-established. In normal network conditions, it is not uncommon the connection to occasionally drop and reestablish itself. In those cases, the library will re-authenticate and the brief outage will not be noticeable. Two things to note:

  • Messages sent to the device while it is reconnecting will not be delivered to the client.
  • Setting event listeners inside of the callback to the "ready" event is discouraged as they will be doubled up every time the event is fired. This may lead to functions being unexpectedly called multiple times for a single event. It presents itself as erratic behavior that appears to only happen after the connection has been established for a long time, and can therefore be very difficult to track down.

Example ready

When a valid identity is accepted by Meshblu:

  "uuid": "78159106-41ca-4022-95e8-2511695ce64c",
  "token": "d5265dbc4576a88f8654a8fc2c4d46a6d7b85574",
  "api": "connect",
  "status": 201